Title An Experimental study on the properties of High Strength and High Flowable Concrete for adapt to CFT in the Field
Authors 강동현 ; 정근호 ; 김우재 ; 김진호 ; 정상진 ; 최문식
Page pp.115-122
ISSN 12269107
Keywords CFT ; diaphragm ; packing ability ; hydration heat ; mock-up test
Abstract In this study, there are kind of property experiments like fluidity, compressive strength, bleeding measurement, concrete sink for CFT use high flowable concrete. The property difference between before transmit and after transmit concrete in the mock up test with ready mixed concrete equipment is examined. The variable factors in mock up are diaphragm existence and nonexistence, diaphragm placing hole sizes. To investigate the concrete property under diaphragm, concrete packing ability, hydration heat, core specimen strength tests are performed.