Title A Study on the Pedestrian Space Design Strategies for the Urban Residential Districts : Based on the case of Chonju City
Authors 은민균
Page pp.139-148
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Pedestrian space ; Chon-Ju City ; Urban Residential Districts
Abstract The purpose of this study was to analyze the characteristics of pedestrian space in urban residential districts and to improve the amenities of those districts according to the design criteria given by site survey especially in Chonju city. The one of most important things in pedestrian space design is to prescribe the potentials and specific properties of the districts and to handle these by holistic methods. The results of this study were as follows; Pedestian network must be designed as to provide safe and comfortable access road to all district seperated from vehicles. Historic and cultural factors are considered as essential elements in pedestrian space and must be shaped according to design concept as to upkeep the historic and cultural context of those districts. And street furniture and other facilities must be arranged to provide amenities for inhabitants and tourists