Title A Study on Urban Aesthetic Regulations in U.S.A.
Authors 이정형
Page pp.157-167
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Zoning ; Urban Aesthetic Regulations ; Agreement Process ; Urban Townscape
Abstract The purpose of this study is to introduce Urban Aesthetic Regulations in U.S.A. A Townscape control for promoting the quality of urban environment is closely related to private property-ownership under zoning system, so that it is extremely important to get an agreement between the public and the private sector. Which means, how/what for can the public control the private ownership.
Aesthetic regulations consist of building control, sign control, view protection, zoning and so on. The review of each case for these regulations shows how aesthetic regulations go on historically for the last 100 years in America.
In early 1900's, aesthetic regulations are not so acceptable as a legal aspect, but several cases(for example, Berman v. Parker cases, Penn Station cases)lead regulations to be accepted as social agreement in the middle of 1900's, and in these days, every municipal government has her own legal system(ordinances/codes) to pursuit for it.