Title An Experimental Study on Sound Insulation Characteristics and Reduction Level of Wooden Floor-coverings
Authors 김선우 ; 송민정
Page pp.169-176
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Wooden Floor-coverings ; Sound Insulation Characteristics ; Reduction Level ; Reverberation Room Test ; Site Test
Abstract Currently, it is increasing the use of wooden floor-coverings in construction fields. However, the acoustical characteristics of those materials is not known well.
This study aims to investigate the sound insulation performance and characteristics of floor-coverings which are attached on the floor of apartment. For this reason, eleven types of specimen, composed of floor-coverings used in construction field including those materials under development, were chosen and tested in both reverberation chamber of Chonnam National University and fields.
The main results from this study are that wooden floor-coverings have a good floor impact sound insulation performance at mid and high frequency bands and resilient layer under wooden floor-coverings are effective to reduce the floor impact sound.