Title A Survey on the Improvement Facts in Highrise Apartments built in Seoul, Seventies : Focusing on Public Space
Authors 김영애 ; 이진원 ; 강미선 ; 조난주
Page pp.105-112
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Highrise Apartment Sites ; Improvements
Abstract This study was to survey on the current improvement facts occurred in highrise apartment sites built in seventies Seoul, and then search for the improvement guideline on the rehabilitation of deteriorated apartment housing in Korea. Four apartment sites was surveyed by three parts-open spaces, facilities and public building and residence units. And official improvements reports about it was investigated too. It resulted in that convenience, recreation, guardiancy, apartment building finishes, elevators, residence unit plans, finishes and facilities are improved, but sidewalks, parking lots, playgrounds, offices, elderly rooms, shops, insulations and water pipings are not improved. Theses are needed to be improved for the proper rehabilitation. So it is recommended to facilitate the apartment housing improvements by means of regulation, support and guidance.