Title Residents' Perception and Needs of High-rise Apartments' Remodeling
Authors 강순주
Page pp.131-138
ISSN 12269093
Keywords High-rise Apartments ; Remodeling ; Perception ; Needs
Abstract The purpose of this study was to provide basic data for activating the remodeling of deteriorated high-rise apartments. This study was conducted by using a questionnaire concerning the high-rise apartments in Seoul which were over twenty years old.
The major findings were as follows:
1) The level of the residents' perception of the apartments' remodeling was high, however a higher percentage of residents preferred remodeling of their apartments rather than total renewal.
2) About 70% of the residents have experienced the remodeling of their dwelling units.
3) Residents demand from remodeling three basic changes:
(a) Within the dwelling units- more storage space and closets.
(b) Within the high-rise building-reorganization of the type of entry i.e. instead of corridor entry into each apartment there would be a central stair-way type.
(c) Within the complexes- more parking lot space.
4) There was a higher demand for remodeling in residents who had already experienced modifications of the plan layout.