Title A Study on Prototypes and Basic Features of Apartment Housing Pilotis Spaces
Authors 조영태 ; 양동양
Page pp.177-186
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Apartment housing ; Outdoor space ; Pilotis ; Prototypes
Abstract As an analytic thesis, the purpose of this study is to investigate prototypes and basic features of apartment housing pilotis spaces. There is a need to effective research for an amicable settlement of housing encircle with high-rise and high density. Housing pilotis are effective methods for the enclosure and the deficiency of outdoor space.
In this study, 103 housing estates in Seoul are examined for the basic characteristics of pilotis by a factor analysis, frequency and crosstabs. Housing pilotis were appeared by way of trial in 1970's late, and have increased in number until recently. The major use of pilotis is a walking passage, and linked mainly space through pilotis is parking lots. Structure of pilotis is column and wall style in substantially the same ratio, and average height is 1.46 floor. By the way of classification, 103 housing pilotis are categorized as 10 types. As representative type, The characteristics of Type1(28.2% within total) are mid-density(54.5%) in pilotis block ratio, row density(13.6%) in pilotis unit ratio A, used as walking passage(48%), locate center in block, link parking with parking, structure of wall, 1.21 floor high.