Title Analytic Study on the Spatial Configuration of Public Space in Subway : With Focus to the Wayfinding Elements
Authors 윤현정 ; 김영욱
Page pp.187-194
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Subway ; SpaceSyntax ; Spatial Configuration ; Wayfinding
Abstract Many researches on the wayfinding have identified that spatial configuration is more important factor than any other wayfinding elements. However, there are little studies to have investigated spatial structure analytically. Therefore, we try to investigate spatial configuration in wayfinding of subway public space by using space syntax method. A field survey was conducted at two cases located in Seoul (Chungmuro interchange station of no.3 line and no.4 line, Dongdaemun Stadium interchange station of no.2,4,5line). The result of this research can be summarized as follows. First, both stations are lack of intelligibility, because they have poor integration of spatial configuration. It is expected that wayfinding in these stations is dependent heavily on sign system. Second, problems in existing sign systems give us some difficulty in wayfinding by unintelligible circulation system. In conclusion, these research findings suggest that space syntax method can play an important role for evaluation of the spatial structure in subway public space by the analysis of spatial configuration.