Title A Full-Scaled Experimental Study on the Seismic Performance of the Connections between Concrete Filled Tube and H-Beam with penetrated High-Strength Bolts
Authors 오명호 ; 정종현 ; 전상우 ; 김진호 ; 박순규
Page pp.53-60
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Concrete Filled tube ; CFT ; Connections with penetrated bolts ; Reduced beam section ; RBS) ;
Abstract Recently we‘ve suggested the beam-to-column connection with high strength bolts penetrating through CFT. In order to verify the seismic performance of this connections, experimental program adopted full scale test specimens has been performed. The test results show that if the quality of high strength bolts are guaranteed, excellent seismic performance of connections can be obtained showing a little strength degradation and sufficient ductile behavior. The RBS shape of arc seem to be superior to the shape of parallel to the web line because arc shape is profitable to prevent stress concentration and contrive wide spreading of plastic hinge region.