Title Hysteretic Characteristics of Inelastic Demand Spectrum
Authors 이현호
Page pp.77-84
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Capacity Spectrum Method ; Inelastic Demand Spectra ; Hysteretic Model ; Ductility Factor
Abstract The Capacity Spectrum Method (CSM) is newly introduced for the seismic performance evaluation of buildings. The CSM is constituted by a capacity spectrum and a demand spectrum, both spectra are expressed by an acceleration (Sa) and a displacement response spectrum (Sd). This study investigates the effect of hysteretic characteristics to the Inelastic Demand Spectrum (IDS). Five different hysteretic models are used in this study which are elastic perfectly plastic, bilinear, strength deterioration, stiffness degradation and pinching model. The IDS (Sa vs. Sd) are obtained from a given target ductility ratio. For a given target ductility ratio, IDS evaluated by using nonlinear time history analysis with forty five recorded earthquake ground motions for stiff soil sites. The effect of each hysteretic model under demand spectra is investigated by comparing with that of elastic perfectly plastic model. According to the results obtained in this study; a bilinear model decrease the inelastic demand of elasto perfectly plastic model, and strength deterioration, stiffness degradation and pinching model increase the inelastic demand of elasto perfectly plastic model. Results are also indicating that target ductility ratio and period strongly affected by IDS.