Title An Investigation on the Recognition of Accreditation System for Architectural Education : With Focus on the Survey of Architects, Professors, and Students
Authors 이선영 ; 최재필
Page pp.59-66
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Accreditation ; Architectural Education
Abstract The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze the general recognition of accreditation system for architectural education, which is mandatory for the mutual recognition of the qualification of architects under the WTO System. Group of architecture professors, students, and registered architects are surveyed and the following issues are emerged. First, students and architects are not adequately aware of the purpose and meaning of the accreditation system and it is required to discuss this issue in a more open mode. Second, more than three quarters of architects will prefer the graduates of accredited schools with higher salary if the system works. Third, majority of professors in 5-year architecture program are not convinced that their programs can be accredited, and consider 30% of all the programs are qualified for accreditation. Last, less than 50% of students prefer the 5-year program and the quarter of them prefer the 4-year program with diverse reasons.