Title A Study on the daylight environment of the residential area
Authors 이장범 ; 이강업
Page pp.147-154
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Residential block ; Residental lot ; Daylight ; Multi-family housing ; Apartment unit in a private housing
Abstract This case study analyzed and examined the present residential daylight condition to provide a pragmatic database that can improve living quality. Two residential building blocks were selected from each period that were devolped between 1960s and 1990s. Types of residential blocks, density, residential unit based on road width-depth ratio and scale were analyzed. Furthermore, the relationship between residential building arrangement, house-hold composition and the sun-path were also analyzed and generated with 3 dimensional computer analysis program to reveal actual problems regarding daylight condition and quality of particular residential areas. Consequently, this study argues that the present condition regarding daylight quality cannot be a solution to a particular residential problem and also it is not appropriate to adapt various future house types. Therefore, it is necessary to propose a rational proto-type scheme regarding daylight that can improve the living condition and quality.