Title A Study on the Pedestrian Behavior Pattern in the Urban Streets Planned with Cultural Orientation
Authors 손장원 ; 이동배
Page pp.193-200
ISSN 12269093
Keywords urban street ; pedestrian space ; the behavior pattern ; the culture street
Abstract The aim of this study is to investigate into the activities and behavior of the pedestrians in the urban streets for the purpose of establishing patterns of behavior through interpretation and categorization of the elements observed and analyzed. The policy program of creation of Cultural Streets for the major cities was conceived and effectuated by the initiative of local government resulting in the designation of 73 projects throughout the whole country at present. The cultural street of Wolmi-do in Incheon was chosen as sample street for our research work where the activities of pedestrians were captured by video-recording and put through analysis according to pre-established system. The result gives a clue for the interpretation of the relations between physico-natural and cultural elements of the street influencing human behavior with supply of materials which will serve as reference for the further promotion of the such projects.