Title Vibrational Response on the Impacted Floor and the Interior Structures of Receiving Room by Standard Impact Sources
Authors 김흥식 ; 김명준
Page pp.227-234
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Floor Impact sound ; Vibration Acceleration Level ; Vibrational Response ; Sound Radiation ; Impact Source ;
Abstract The purpose of this study is to evaluate the vibrational response on the building structures by the standard impact sources. In order to this, measurements were carried out using model rooms both in a laboratory and fields. The results show that the larger vibration energy was found which transmitted from the impacted floor to the wall structures of receiving rooms when the light weight source was rather than the heavy weight source. As a result, investigating the distribution of vibration energy on the impacted floor, it was found that, in general, the vibration acceleration level using heavy weight source was highest at the center.