Title A Study on the Prediction of Fire Behaviour with Fire Load in Reduced-Scale MedelB
Authors 배근철 ; 추연희 ; 김화중
Page pp.235-243
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Fire Load ; Reduced-Scale Model ; Fire Behaviour ; Scaling Law
Abstract Fire behaviour prediction is a part of performance based design for fire resistance and is dependent of fire load and ventilation factor in fire model. To predict fire behaviour, we performed a few fire loads controlled fire tests -from 5㎏/㎡ to 35㎏/㎡- with the same ventilation factor in a 30% reduced-scale model of a standard ASTM enclosure. In consequence, on the first, fire temperature is characterized with fire load and increasing fire load results in higher peak temperatures and a faster decay phase. Second, in case of fire load -from 5㎏/㎡ to 15㎏/㎡- have lower peak temperatures and a slower decay phase, otherwise fire load -from 20㎏/㎡ to 35㎏/㎡- have higher peak temperatures and a faster decay phase. On the third, heat fluid throughout compartment by increasing fire temperature results in higher temperatures in case of increasing fire load.