Title Improving the Procedure-Adjusted Contract Sum for Price Escalation in Construction Projects
Authors 송규열 ; 안용선 ; 백영진
Page pp.77-84
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Procedure ; 5점 척도 ; Likert Type Scale ; 다변량분산분석 ; Multivariate Analysis of Variance
Abstract Occurrences of price escalation caused by our variable economic and environmental unstability recently have affected increase and decrease of construction sum which may be or risky factors causing possibilities of claim or bankruptcy. The government has guaranteed lawful adjustment of contract sum for price escalation in public construction. In spite of the fact that the government try to eliminate disadvantage for one contractor and unreliable construction by the institution, there are a lot of problems in the application of the institution in field. So, In this research also analyze the influence of obstacle factors on each step of procedure. Therefore, the main purpose of this research is to suggest the investigate factors on the application of the law by statistic analysis and suggest the adjustment procedure. And I draw 5 items conclusion on an actual application of adjusted contract sum for price escalation and De-escalation.