Title A Method of Calculating Schedule Delay Considering Lost Productivity
Authors 류한국 ; 유정호 ; 이현수
Page pp.117-125
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Claim ; Delay ; Loss of Productivity ; Lost Productivity ; Lost Productivity Duration ; Impact Factor
Abstract A contractor can finish timely the construction project in the condition which is supposed to complete the construction project before constructing the structure. But, because many construction trades participate in an uncertain and complex construction industry, it is hard to complete a construction project in a timely manner. There are several reasons that can contribute to delaying a project. Many studies or methodologies on analyzing the delay have been focused on the reasons. The delay reasons are conceived of activities in a project schedule and the impacted activities are analyzed like an activity which has an unimpacted productivity. The established calculating method of delay related to lost productivity is limited to the study of converting lost productivities into cost. But, if some variables impacted the next work in the sequence, the impacted work may become a lost productivity work. It can be concluded that there are few studies of converting lost productivity into the delay. So, the purpose of this study is to analyze construction delay by considering loss of productivity.