Title Decoding Korean Traditional High-class Houses in Youngnam and Honam Regions
Authors 장동국
Page pp.125-132
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Korean traditional houses ; space syntax ; Yangjindang ; Hyangdan ; Woonjoroo ; Nockwoodang
Abstract Decoding the invisible forms of space configuration of Korean traditional high-class houses in Youngnam and Honam regions is the main theme of this research. It has been widely believed that the invisible forms have been distinctively formulated by the socio-cultural and geographical differences in the two rival regions but only limited research has shown concrete results so far. Two Korean traditional high-class houses in each region which have been believed to represent architectural culture of those regions were selected: Yangjindang and Hyangdan in Youngnam, and Woonjoroo and Nockwoodang in Honam region. The configurational analyses of space syntax have shown that the invisible forms of space structure of those houses are quite different from each region: those houses in Honam region are more insulated and thus frame activity than those in Youngnam region, whilst the latter houses show more efficient and permissive layouts than the former houses.