Title The Study on the Evaluation of Urbanscape According to the Characteristic of the Surrounding Recognition in the Main-street of the Local City
Authors 윤종국 ; 박춘근
Page pp.217-228
ISSN 12269093
Keywords urban-street space ; street design factor ; physical dimension ; surrounding recognition ; evaluation structure
Abstract This study is for the physical specific property by the surrounding recognition of the street space in the actual proof. The result on the correlativity between the mental capacity and the physical dimension is as follow. (1) The physical surrounding analyzing the urban street space is recognized street design processing as main idea of the walker as making the importance to the space structure of the urban dimension, the process of the street dimension and the building shape of the architectural dimension. (2) As the result of analyzing in the physical dimension, Chang-won city has low ability as the space accepting the living surrounding such as the field shape, the street structure D/H ratio and the street ratio of walker and car. And the specific property of building shape in the shape dimension is appreciate to explain the definition of the street space, but it stands form the imagination without continuity and dynamics. (3) As the result of the factor analysis, three factor axis is drawn out. The first axis is "the safety dimension", the second is "the newness dimension" and the third is "the friendliness dimension" in the center street of Chang-won. However the first axis is "the friendliness dimension", second is "the newness dimension" and third is "the safety dimension" in the center street of Yang-san. (4) As the result of the analysis of the connection, there are the difference between two streets that are not only the mental reaction but also the physical dimension. Therefor, the evaluation of process by the surrounding recognition of the street design factor concerned with the street width is needed.