Title A Study on the Methodology for the Social Interaction Analysis in Residential Area
Authors 김영재 ; 한동수
Page pp.229-238
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Social Interaction among Residents ; Industrialization ; Urbanization ; Methodology ; Neighborhood
Abstract The industrialization and urbanization(over-urbanization) dissolved the existent patterns of neighborhood speedily, and the progress of a mean of public transport and communication not only reduce the spatial limitation of the distance, but also cut down the importance for central facilities, and on the other hand, we think, the traditional methods which examine the neighborhood-characteristics and residents' cognitive territories by depending on setting up a zone of life, if not changing paradigm basically, will bring about many problems. In Korea, the indiscriminate residential types and growths of unbalanced density and facilities result from the development of complete devotion to the policy ignoring the around environments. Also, because the growth of IT industries bring out various communications and life-cycles, in the neighborhood, we need suitable analytic methodology to understand social interaction clearly. Therefore, in this study, we, by examining existent methodologies and theories related to social interaction, focus on proposing the desirable analytic model consistent with the reality. Finally, we examine the applied possibilities of the new methodology made by arranging these perspectives(Such as social-demographic and environment-behavioral, spatial political-economic, urban ecological, spatial structured, phenomenal, and semiotic ones), and, we think, based on complex surveys and views, this is a suitable methodology that is able to examine clearly the cause and effect of the opposing and correspondent relations occurring among residents, built-environment, and external factors in urban neighborhood.