Title The Study on Performance evaluation of gas-range hood and indoor air pollution by cooking.
Authors 민병수 ; 이상우
Page pp.279-286
ISSN 12269093
Keywords IAQ ; Indoor Air and Human Health ; cooking activities ; Local Exhaust ; Indoor Air Pollution Control
Abstract The purpose of this study is to evaluate how cooking influence the indoor air environment in apartment house and discharging pollutant efficiency of gas-range hood.
The result of this study is below.
1. The indoor air could be contaminated excessively by the pollutant which produced in the cooking process. It is confirmed that the degrees of carbon dioxide and respiratory particle exceed the health-based standards and guidelines.
2. Gas-range hood doesn't deflate the pollutant completely when some specific dish is made.
This study proves that the function improvement of gas-range hood is required. Gas-range hood could deflate some pollutant when specific dish is made.