Title Influence of the Fiber Reinforcing on the Shear Strength of the Shear Connector connecting Basement Exterior Wall and Earth Retaining Wall
Authors 한남희 ; 우운택 ; 정란
Page pp.63-68
ISSN 12269107
Keywords shear connector ; shear strength ; composite basement wall ; earth retaining wall
Abstract As underground construction projects have become larger and deeper, soil cement pile walls have come into wider use as earth retaining walls. H-shaped steel beams, which are used as the reinforcing material of soil cement pile walls, are only used as temporary materials, but are often left behind after underground construction is completed. This is wasteful. Therefore, it is required to investigate a method effectively utilizing H-shaped steel beams and soil cement walls. The shear strength of shear connectors used between H-shaped steel beams and basement exterior walls, soil cement walls reinforced by fiber and basement exterior walls is studied. The results are as follows ; (1) the strength of the shear connector used between H-shaped steel beams and basement exterior walls is similar to that of design equation, (2) the strength of shear connector used for soil cement walls and basement exterior walls is determined by the shear strength of the soil cement wall. Therefore, there must be considered the shear strength of the soil cement wall in the design of shear connector used for soil cement walls and basement exterior walls.