Title The Preservation and Management of Modern Architecture as Cultural Properties
Authors 김동식 ; 김태영
Page pp.127-134
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Modern Architecture ; Cultural Properties ; Preservation ; Reuse
Abstract The purpose of this study was to analyze the condition of the preservation and management of the Modern Architecture as Cultural Properties. This study focusing on 106 of the Modern Architecture as Cultural Properties had investigated what the reason why the modern architecture had become a Cultural Properties is, and what the present condition is. The results of this study were as follows;
1. The modern architecture have been preserved the existing use, reused by the method of extension, restoration, change the function. In addition, it could be observed that the most popular purpose of the reuse are museum.
2. It is needed that periodically check and record system for the purpose of the management of those.
3. It could be required to instituting the pertinent policies(subsidy, various tax favors and support a management, public relations) for reusing the modern architecture especially in case of the reusing purpose is as like museum.