Title Subjective Evaluation of Floor Impact Noise Isolation Construction for Floor, Wall and Ceiling
Authors 전진용 ; 정정호 ; 박해존
Page pp.169-176
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Floor Impact Noise ; Rubber Ball Impact Noise ; Subjective Evaluation ; Zwicker Parameters
Abstract In order to investigate the effect of the noise isolation as different treatments for the structural elements, heavy-weight impact noise, rubber-ball impact noise and tapping noise were measured in an apartment building. Result of auditory perception tests were compared with physical measurements such as L-value and inverse A-weighting value to investigate the improvement of sound insulation. Zwicker parameters and ACF/IACF factors were analysed to identify the improvement in different treatments of structural elements. Auditory perception tests were undertaken to compare the loudness differences between the untreated and the treated. In case of heavy-weight impact noise and rubber-ball noise, the most effective method to reduce both subjective loudness and physical level is to provide noise insulation on walls. On the other hand, for light-weight impact noise, floating floor is an effective way to reduce both subjective and physical levels. When the structural treatments improved Loudness, Unbiased annoyance, Φ(0) and IACC, noise reduction in the wall and floor structures dramatically increased. Adding insulation to wall is the most effective way for floor impact noise isolation in newly constructed buildings and remodeling projects.