Title A Movement of Residents in Traditional Urban Area
Authors 정세림 ; 원세용 ; 이훈 ; 김태영
Page pp.107-114
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Traditional Urban Area ; Movement of Residents ; Long-term Household ; Short-term Household
Abstract This study aims to find out detailed status goes on movement of residents in traditional urban area focused the case of Seongan- dong, Juangang-dong in Cheongju City of Korea. As the result, the summaries of findings are as follows ;
1. The short-term households usually inhabit in traditional urban area for a short while of less than 4years. Approximately half(45%) of them are single persons.
2. The long-term households usually inhabit in the same area at here for a long while such as ten or twenty years and have become considerable portion in the district which could not be disregarded as family type.
3. The short-term households of more than 5year's residence can be regarded as family type. How to improve residential context and housing type is demanded absolutely for households to promote the habitat in traditional residential urban area.