Title A Study on the Characteristic and Transformation of Yosa in Late-Chosun Dynasty
Authors 김종헌 ; 김도경 ; 양재영
Page pp.145-156
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Buddhist Temple Layout ; Yosa (Buddhist Temple Dormitory) ; Living Space
Abstract Yosa is a space for organizational living of buddhist monk that is composed of daebang, kitchen, gidaebang, rooms, storages, and so on. The plan of Yosa forms shape of 一, ㄱ, ㄷ, ㅁ. Yosa is organized by practical aspect that is based on living transformation, and each space has its own usual order. Daebang is a centered space that connects the holy space with the mundane space in Yosa. The use and layout of kitchen has intimate relation with constitution of the central space in buddhist temple. As a result of the investigation of the characteristic and transformation of Yosa that is faced with the front court of a central buddhist sanctum, we can understand the space composition principle of the buddhist temple in the late Chosun Dynasty. The existing sanctum-centered researches in buddhist temple layout must go side by side with diversified studies.