Title A Study on the Methods for Activating Pedestrian of Artificial Ground in Apartment Housing
Authors 차승준 ; 조영태 ; 양동양
Page pp.201-208
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Artificial Ground ; Pedestrian ; Correlation Analysis ; Space Syntax ; P.O.E.
Abstract The purpose of this study is to suggest practical guidelines for the planning methods that activate space of pedestrian at the undulation of artificial ground. This study is based on the results of: first, the survey on the coefficients of utilization and satisfaction at the upper part of artificial ground and space of pedestrian at the undulation by the residents of apartment housing; second, analysis of quantitative measure of spatial structure using Space Syntax Methodology; finally, comparing relationship between them.
The results of this study are the followings: 1) High coefficients of connectivity and integration are necessary in order to fertilize the utilization of the space of pedestrian. In other words, there ought to be many spaces adjacent to the space. In addition, it ought to be easy to approach the space. 2) Especially, high coefficient of connectivity is necessary in order to fertilize the utilization of the staircase. 3) High coefficients of intelligibility that is the correlation between satisfaction and connectivity is necessary in order to fertilize the satisfaction of the space. 4) The coefficients of utilization and satisfaction is higher in the separated street system and coexistence street system than mixed street system of pedestrian and vehicles. 5) The pedestrian is activated by primary pedestrian axis or open space that is accessibility.