Title A Study on the Application of the Fire Load Energy Density of Building Occupancy for Architectural Fire Safety
Authors 이평강 ; 최인창 ; 김회서
Page pp.259-266
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Fire Safety Design ; Performance-Based Building Codes ; Fire Load Energy Density ; Performance Regulation of Fire Resistance ; Field Survey.
Abstract The Purpose of this study is to survey the Fire Load Energy Density depending on occupancy. The paper outlines the work carried out in surveying the fire load for different types of building occupancies such as dwellings, hospitals, hotels, library, offices, classroom of school, restaurants, shopping shops, and theatre. Twenty-nine different types of buildings with a total floor area of about 4,578㎡ were surveyed. Details of the inventory method which was used in the present survey are given. It is found that room use are major parameters affecting the fire loads in a room. An attempt is made to calculate the composition of fire loads in the building surveyed, wood and plastic materials contribute to a substantial portion of the total fire load in all building. The movable contents contribute to about 81% of the total fire load. The fire load obtained from the survey have been compared with those of Performance-Based Building Codes of Eurocode1 and the Building Standard Law in Japan . An accurate prediction of the possible fire load in a certain building occupancy will assist the engineer to better estimate the likely fire severity, and thus help to provide adequate and cost-effective fire protection.