Title Performance of Spalling Resistance of High Performance Concrete with PP Fiber Contents and Lateral Confinement
Authors Han Cheon-Goo ; Hwang Yin-Seong ; Jung Duk-Woo
Page pp.61-68
ISSN 12269107
Keywords High Performance Concrete ; Spalling Resistance ; PP Fiber ; Lateral Confinement ; Metal-lath
Abstract This paper is an experimental study on the spalling resistance of high performance concrete with PP fiber contents and material for lateral confinement subjected to fire. According to the test results, spalling occurs to all specimens that do not contain PP fiber and it is prevented in the specimens containing PP fiber by more than 0.05% after heating, so it shows good effect on the spalling resistance. Metal lath shows the good effect on spalling resistance with increase of the thickness of it, and glass fiber and carbon fiber do not show good effect on the spalling resistance due to reduction of bond strength by high temperature. Spalling do not occur to all specimen that combine PP fiber with confinement of metal-lath, so spalling resistance performance is very good in this case. As the residual compressive strength is improved to about 90% of its original strength, the measures for safe can be taken against fire.