Title A Study on the Decision Method Between Reconstruction and Remodeling of the Deteriorated Apartment Housing
Authors Seo Jae-Woong ; Kim Yang-Taek ; Hyun Chang-Taek
Page pp.93-101
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Reconstruction ; Remodeling ; Functional Evaluation ; Economic Evaluation
Abstract In the late '90th, there were widespread reconstruction projects. But, the promotion of the reconstruction is very difficult because the regulation become tight nowadays. So, remodeling rises as an alternative of reconstruction. But, it is very difficult for the owner to make a decision between reconstruction and remodeling. In common sense, reconstruction is superior to remodeling in the aspect of function, remodeling is superior to reconstruction in the aspect of economics. But it needs to establish a resonable evaluation method to deal with this situation. In this study, it is tried to establish a synthetic evaluation method composed of functional and economic criteria through literature survey and domestic and overseas examples. To synthesize the evaluation method, it is used AHP and multi-criteria decision method.