Title Improvements for CM Service and Practice through Analyzing Domestic CM Cases
Authors Ryou Won-Sang ; Pyun Hye-Jung ; Kim Kyung-rai ; Lee Yoo-Sub ; Kim Jae-Jun
Page pp.153-160
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Construction management ; CM service and practice ; CM case study
Abstract The purpose of this study is to investigate CM services and practices in actual project and suggest improved CM services and practices. The CM service and practice of World-cup stadiums are chosen as a case study. The CM services and practices were classified into time management, quality management, cost management, general administration as written in the request for proposal of World-cup stadiums and evaluated from clients' satisfaction and construction manager's utilization point of views and the relative importance of CM service and practice were measured by A.H.P. Also the interviews were performed for further observation. As results of the study, the CM services and practices are classified into two groups. The first group contains CM services and practice which were well performed and should be utilized in the future projects. The second group contains CM services and practices which should be modified for better application in the future projects. Suggestions for better application of CM services and practices are made in each group.