Title A Study on the planning of elementary school facilities for lifelong education
Authors 조진일 ; 이호진
Page pp.3-10
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Lifelong education ; Lifelong learning ; Elementary school
Abstract The purpose of this study is to plan the elementary school facilities according to the regional characteristics and the analysis on the ranking of program by survey, the demand of users, the system of teaching-learning and relationship of facilities for lifelong education. The main results of this study are ;
First, the program of the lifelong education by the regional groups and users is the same as , Second, the facilities of the lifelong education by the main spatial sections is the same as
, Third, the relationship of the lifelong education and the elementary school facilities is the same as .
After all, The architectural planning of elementary school facilities for lifelong education has to be designed suitable school facilities for educational curriculum of elementary school and protecting existing elementary school's facilities.