Title An Experimental Study of Externally Venting Flames in Building
Authors 최인창 ; 김회서
Page pp.203-210
ISSN 12269093
Keywords experiment of fire compartment ; fire load ; heat release rate ; externally venting flame
Abstract This study is compared and analyzed to vertical diffusion appearance of an externally venting flame. An installed balcony of one meter length is also applied to fire test 4.0MW class to analyze about effect of an awning or a balcony.
The test is progressed to four case of 1.0MW, 2.0MW, 3.0MW, and 4.0MW class by heat release rate.
The result of test is as following.
- A neutral zone position of window where is emitted gas and flame is originated under one of three point of window height.
- The venting flames from opening was seen a sticking phenomenon from an upper story to wall, and appeared to rising temperature of an upper spandrel and window.
- In the case of establishment balcony, the exterior wall's surface temperature of upper story is seized rising phenomenon.
The experimental data will be compared with simulation result later on, and appropriate counterproposal will be presented when the opening of building's exterior wall is designed.