Title A Study on the Structuralization and the Assessment Method of the Environment-Friendly Building Performance
Authors 이승연 ; 강미선
Page pp.57-64
ISSN 12269093
Abstract The purpose of this study is to suggest effective structuralization and reasonable assessment method of the environment-friendly building performance. It focuses on making an alternative plan on former studies. So, this paper makes a study assessment method of the Environment-Friendly Building Certification. This thesis proposes more practical, reasonable and user-friendly alternative plan, is based on theory.
In this study, the structuralization means organizing check list. Through this work, it is easy to assess items that go far toward getting goals of the environment-friendly building performance. And the assessment method means how to mark proposed estimation item and how to present the result of assessment. First, investigated references and foreign assessment method. And inquired organization of assessment index. Through theses process, proposed systemic framework on assessment method. Next, made specific detail and suggested to represent by Radar Chart.