Title A Study on Application of Composited Basement Wall based on Construction Constraint Analysis in Pre-examination Phase…………………
Authors Oh Seung-Jun ; Park Sang-Jun ; Han Nam-Hee ; Chun Jae-Youl
Page pp.115-122
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Composited Basement Wall System ; Valuation and analysis of Construction Constraint ; AHP Method
Abstract Until now, in building construction project, selection process for construction method has been executed by decision making of some technical experts dependent on their experience and intuition. As a result, there have been frequent construction method alterations during the construction process and delay of duration, addition of cost, etc. As this is the case, there is a need for an appraisal tool and verification for the selection of rational construction method. Therefore The final object of this study is to propose the valuation-method of the environment of composited basement wall system` application in construction project. And this study is to take AHP method in the process of valuation and analysis of construction constraint.