Title The Analysis of User Demands on Residental Building Remodeling
Authors Kim Chun-Hag ; So Kwang-Ho ; Jeong Dong-Whan ; Kim Eui-Sik ; Yang Keek-Yong
Page pp.123-130
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Remodelling ; Residental Building ; User Demand
Abstract This study has researched upon customers requests in the remodelling of residential buildings, and that the research results could be used as reference data when the remodelling work is under implementation. This study also has collected the residents' upgrading requests on their residential buildings, and graded the requests according to their importance. For those purpose, this study classified the problem items through AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process) and, builded the census items based on the results. Then, the residents' requests on the residential buildings were presented by importance rate through coupled analysis census. Also the importance rate has been related to the construction items which predict the importance of each construction item.
The main purposes of this study are setting up of the direction of remodelling of residential buildings and predicting the customer requests in the future, even though the remodelling of residential building in Korea has not been activated yet. The research results are expected to be used as basic data in remodelling and construction of residential buildings.