Title An Analysis on Delay Factors of Major Trades in Apartment Housing Projects
Authors Han Jong-Kwan ; Chin Sangyoon ; Kim Yae-Sang
Page pp.163-170
ISSN 12269107
Keywords 공기지연 ; 공기지연 원인 ; 중요도 ; 공동주택
Abstract The objective of this research is to derive the factors that affect construction delays in apartment housing projects for effective construction planning and controls and furthermore for proactive claim managements. Based on the contractors' points of view, interview and questionnaire surveys with construction practitioners were conducted to derive delay factors by each of major trades such as earth work, superstructure work, masonry work, window/door work, and interior finish work. The survey results were analyzed statistically to determine the degree of importance on each of the delay factors. The result identifies major delay factors on each trade and provides the comparison of the degree of importance among work trades. The result also shows that the importance index of the delay factors on superstructure and earth works are higher than those of the other works. In addition, the result indicates that the delay factors are different depending on the work types.