Title A Study on the Evaluation Index of the Safety Management Level in Construction Site
Authors Lee Jong-Bin ; Go Seong-Seok
Page pp.171-178
ISSN 12269107
Keywords safety management ; safety evaluation index ; regular item ; small regular item
Abstract For the development of the safety management in construction site, the Safety Evaluation Index must be analyzed and reappraised. Therefore, the analysis of the Safety Evaluation Index is the essential to improve the safety management. Four organizations have made it and used it to evaluate in construction site. The Safety Evaluation Index of each organization has same regular items, but small regular items, which are included the regular items, are different from the each organization. Moreover, owing to the including the small regular items which are not related to the construction site, this paper is supposed to choose the essential small regular items and going to present the number of marks of the regular items according to the survey.