Title A Study on the Application of Infiltration Prevent Devices in Vestibule of Refrigerated Warehouse
Authors 석호태 ; 곽현철 ; 송승영 ; 송진규 ; 이영욱
Page pp.171-178
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Refrigerated Warehouse ; Vestibule ; Air Change Rates ; Energy Consumption ; Performance Evaluation
Abstract This study aims to evaluate the economic performance of infiltration prevention devices for the refrigerated warehouse. It is showed that the cooling loads of refrigerated warehouses is changed by assembling of infiltration prevention devices in a previous study. Space loads and cooling energy costs according to the types of the infiltration prevention devices are analyzed by the DOE-2.1E simulation. Based on the Life Cycle Costs considered the costs of initial construction, repair?replace, cooling energy and operating energy, the probability of reducing energy consumption and application of infiltration prevent devices in vestibule of refrigerated warehouse is founded.