Title An Experimental Study on the Compressive Strength of Foamed Concrete with Fly-Ash
Authors Oh Se-Chul ; Seo Chee-Ho ; Ji Suk-Won
Page pp.121-129
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Fly-Ash ; Foamed Concrete ; Compressive Strength ; Bulk specific gravity ; Foaming agent
Abstract This study aims at the production of foamed concrete mixed with fly-ash, examining the variation of the mechanical properties of foamed concrete. and issuing the data to site engineers for quality control. The experiment began by mixing the fly-ash by a maximum of 60% in stages and the mixing was mainly based on practical mixture. The following results were obtained from the experiment. In the instance of replacing cement with fly-ash. the outlook specific gravity and the water absorption ratio appeared not to be affected, while the compressive strength tended to decrease inversely proportional to the increasing fly-ash as compared to foamed concrete mixed with only cement. However, under long cure periods, an improvement in compressive strength was observed strength. As earlier stated, the pozzolanic reaction of the fly-ash contributed to the increased strength and also assisted in recovering the narrow range of the strength increased ratio obtained at early cure periods.