Title A Study on the Residential Environment Improvement by Smallscale Apartment based on Local Context in Japan
Authors 신중진 ; 윤인석 ; 김태엽
Page pp.19-30
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Local Context ; Smallscale Apartment Residential Environment Improvement ; Japan ;
Abstract The purpose of this study is to suggest a subject of Korea smallscale apartment through distinctive Japan example which try a synthetic residential environment improvement. To proceed this study, we arranged contents and analyzed a plan method, improvement method of Japan examples. The analysis result of Japan examples is as follows : 1.succeed to local context, 2.try a synthetic residential environment improvement, 3.investigate a local state and set up subject definitely, 4.extract the various residential environment factor, 5.invent the plan principle and method, 6.invent the improvement method. The subject of Korea by these results are as follows : 1.improvement direction establishment based on local context, 2.local problems and subjects establishment through decode of local context, 3.excavation and application of local context factor, 4.invention of plan method and improvement method based on local context.