Title The Present Condition of the National university School building by the Difference in the Floor Area of the Facilities for each Student
Authors 김종석
Page pp.89-98
ISSN 12269093
Keywords the national university ; school building ; Lorenz Curve ; Gini Coefficient ; Toyota's measure
Abstract This paper analyzed the difference in the floor areas of the facilities in the national university school building. Data on the floor area of those facilities for each student was collected from 57 campuses of 43 universities and the difference in those data were analyzed by the analysis methods, such as Lorenz Curve, Gini Coefficient Decompositions of Gini Coefficient, and Toyota's measure.
The results are as follows ;
1)The difference between the research facility and the attached facility is large. However, the difference between the educational basic facility and the support facility is small.
2)Since area percentage of the research facility in the university school building is small, the research facility has a little influence on the total difference, and the attached facility that shows the large pseudo-Gini Coefficient has much influence on the total difference.
3)Campus-type of the synthesis, the science-and-engineering and so on shows the biggest difference between groups
As mentioned above, quantitative and uniform maintenance should be prior to qualitative and uneven maintenance in the existing conditions that the maintenance of the facilities in the school building is behind.