Title A Study on the Access Characteristics and the Street Behavior of the CBD in Daegu
Authors 최영은 ; 하재명
Page pp.115-122
ISSN 12269093
Keywords CBD ; Access Characteristic ; Street Behavior ; Access Method ; Visiting Aim ; Visitor's Character
Abstract The purpose of this study is to examine the access characteristics of people visiting at the urban street and district. In this study, the access characteristics were classified into three factors, a access method, a visiting aim and a visitor's character. The case study areas were selected the nine streets and districts which crowded with stores dealing with similar goods in Daegu CBD. The results of the case study has been summarized as follows;
Firstly, in the individual districts dealing with a specific goods, the access characteristics appeared differently. Secondary, the visitors' visiting aim in the case study areas affected the selection of a access method. Thirdly, the street behavior according to a operational situation appeared differently. And in the interview with visitors, the subjects answered that the urgent problems in the case areas are the traffic confusion and the shortage parking space.