Title A Study on the Actual Conditions and Improvement of Urban Renewal Project
Authors 류연훈 ; 김영하
Page pp.123-130
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Urban Renewal Project ; District Designation ; Cheongjin district ; district dimension ; Re-arrangement plan
Abstract Since 1970, urban renewal was the most popular redevelopment method in Seoul City area. In the real sense, land district readjustment since 1950s was not the main tools for the integration of existing downtown. For that purpose, this study aimed to investigate renewal projects which was not carried out until now, and propose the efficient implementation method for the future development. Major research findings were as follows: 1) It is necessary to coordinate land owners of small and irregular-lots for the improvement of physical lot condition; 2) Density control requires to consider basic policy of land use and local characteristics; 3) Current urban commercial and specialized function is needed to differentiate from the previous inappropriat urban function; 4) District redesingnation needs to include urban historic assets, diversity, human scale, and vital streerscape along with the redevelopment of old downtown; 5) Use of Samll-scale renewal should be considered for the prevention of un-planned development and appropriare improvement; 6) New renewal method is needed for the adequate develpment density and height control.