Title A Study on the Architecture of Korean Palaces in the Reign of Gwanghaegun
Authors 홍석주
Page pp.131-140
ISSN 12269093
Keywords InKyungGung ; KyungDukGung ; JungJun ; PyunJun ; ChimJun
Abstract During the years of KwangHaeGun, an active public services of building large scale palaces such as reconstruction of ChangDukGung and ChangKyungGung and new construction of InKyungGung and KyungDukGung were carried out. Especiallly what is distinctive is that during the years of KwangHaeGun, Dang(堂) acting as a PyunJun, is located in front of JungChimJun(正寢殿). This made JungJun and PyunJun a WaeJun(外殿) therefore clearly dividing boundary area of NaeJun and WaeJun. Since Sejong dynasty, functions of king and queen was starting to differentiate, that during the years of KwangHaeGun, two ChimJun(寢殿) was made. Therefore, other than queen's ChimJun, (also called JungChimJun(正寢殿)), king's JungJun was placed. To perform big events at the palace, a WolDae(base) was needed, therefore they put in front of JungChimJun(正寢殿). King's ChimJun located near the area of WaeJun(外殿). And King's ChimJun constructed during the years of KwangHaeGun is assumed to be built on stone pillars(石柱).