Title A Study on the design of the plan and the structure of Geukrackjeon in Bongjeongsa
Authors 김도경
Page pp.165-174
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Geukrackjeon in the Temple of Bongjeong ; the floor plan ; the structure ; the architectural design ; the adopted measure
Abstract This research attempts to analyze the design process that the floor plan and the structure in Bongjeongsa's Geukrackjeon. For this purpose, firstly, this research assumes the measure and the method that the material size in section was planed, and then, studies the characters of the plan and structure. As the results, the characters of the design process of plan and structure are as follows. ① The floor plan and the material's section size was designed by the relation of propotions. ② The floor plan and structure was designed in the very systematic relation concidering the length of the rafters and the eaves. ③ The level of the every doris was designed by the order as follows. Firstly, jongdori(the highest dori) was decided in the base of the slope of the roof, and then the others decided by the piling up the matreials with the equal section. ④ Bockwhaban(복화반) was used for the purpose of controlling the minute level.