Title Dynamic Test of Conventional and System Ceiling
Authors Yang Il-Seung ; NishiyamaIsao ; Kim Soon-Chul
Page pp.19-26
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Geiyo Earthquake ; Gymnasium ; Conventional Ceiling ; System Ceiling ; Vibration Test
Abstract In the occasion of the 2001 Geiyo earthquake, drop of ceiling was observed in long span buildings such as gymnasiums. Until Geiyo earthquake, there was no injured person reported though the various damage of the ceiling drop in the gymnasium was often reported. Therefore, a countermeasure about the danger to the life due to the ceiling drop wasn't described. However, The user of the facilities suffered injuries in the Geiyo earthquake. So, dynamic vibration tests was performed for conventional ceiling (ceiling 1 and ceiling 2) and the system ceiling (ceiling 3) to investigate vibration nature in the earthquake. And the simplified method for calculating natural period of ceiling was suggested. These results confirmed the fact that the simplified method could accurately and reliably predict the natural period of ceilings. By using the proposed simplified method a ceiling could be safely designed without resonance with the buliding.