Title A Study on the Method of Decision Making for the Optimal Starting Time Considering the Climate elements
Authors Jeong Suk-Nam ; Lee Hak-Ki
Page pp.113-120
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Concurrent Engineering ; Information Technology ; The Climate Elements ; The Climate Simulation ; Project Duration
Abstract Since construction project includes the outstanding character itself, it is necessary that consideration of the climate or weather is essentially investigated, where it is dependent upon method and location of the project. In order to achieve the aim of the project, the elements affecting to the project in terms of the climate might be investigated preliminarily and clarified through the practical and analytical approaches, such as the analysis of past information and the physical experimentation, and also, Concurrent Engineering for each element needs to be conducted. In a concurrent sense, Information Technology (IT) is applied recently into carrying out schedule, procurement, cost, safety, and quality of the project. However, consideration of the climate elements is rare applied into achieving the purpose of the project in these days and it may be a reason that the quality of project is little optimal. Furthermore, overrunning the projects budgets is often occurred due to the fact that it is not enough to expect the natural disaster.
Finally, in this study, we forecast the possible and impossible working days through the climate simulation to accomplish the projects aim, and provide the enough information with respect to the decision making for the optimal project duration. Also, one of the purposes is to utilize this climate simulation as the basic information for the integral project management by analyzing the interrelation between each climate element and the unit work.