Title A Study on Development and Real Situation Analysis for the Risk Management of Domestic Construction Companies
Authors Hong Seong-Wook ; Kim Hyeung-Il ; Ahn Yong-Sun
Page pp.153-160
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Risk Management ; Risk Breakdown Structure ; Risk Factor ; Likert Type Scale ; Risk importance
Abstract Even though the construction industry is an unstable field comparing with other industries, recognition and enforcement on this industry are not prepared well. Considering the specialty of construction and change of construction plan and social conditions, the study on risk management will be preceded to develop the construction industry in the future. In the real circumstances, the recognition of necessity and application are neglected in the domestic practical business aspect. For the investigation on cognitive standard of risk in the workers of the construction companies, surveys and visit consultation were executed to analyze risk management situation and the counter plan was found out to be helpful in proceeding of stable construction projects of companies. And I draw 5 items conclusion on an improvement plans of risk management in domestic construction.