Title Cell-based Urban Growth Modeling
Authors 문태헌 ; 최창영
Page pp.125-132
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Cellular Automata (CA) ; Urban growth ; GIS ; Simulation model
Abstract Excessive concentration of population into city has resulted in urban sprawl and environmental deterioration of suburbs in some cities. To prevent our cities from unfavorable situation of urban development, we are greatly in need of understanding of the city's growing appearance in the future. This paper examines an urban growth model of Jinju City. Existing urban growth models elaborated have difficulties in dynamic simulation. Easy geographic visualization and spatial exploration is another hard barriers to overcome. For these reasons we integrate Cellular Automata (CA) as an urban dynamic model and Geographic Information System (GIS) for visualization. Cell-based CA model was programmed with Visual C++ under the transition rules proposed with 1918 to 1986 growing trend of Jinju City. CA model constructed then was simulated as changing parameters into three cases. As a result, a CA model made was proved to regenerate urban growth as high as 93% of accuracy.